Jag har bedömt era läsförståelseprov på Harry Potter nu (diskussionsproven får vänta för nu ska jag ta lov, jag med:)). På läsförståelseprovet är det ett av kunskapskraven som bedöms, och jag har lagt kunskapskraven (överstrukna) längst ner i dokumentet. Kommentarer finns under kommentarknappen uppe till höger.
Om man inte uppnått ngt kunskapskrav finns bara kommentarer. Roligt att läsa, och kul att många uppnådde både C och A:D
Ha det skönt, så ses vi efter lovet!
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Friday, March 22, 2013
Thursday, March 21, 2013
prov nk1b 15/4
Sidorna i läroboken till provet 15/4: 174 - 201, dvs kap.7.
På genteknik ska vi jobba bl.a. med nedanstående "häfte". För att alla ska ha fått ut det i tid och kunna jobba med det lägger jag det här också.
På genteknik ska vi jobba bl.a. med nedanstående "häfte". För att alla ska ha fått ut det i tid och kunna jobba med det lägger jag det här också.
Genteknik – vad kan man göra, vad får man göra och vad bör man göra…
Arbeta med följande frågor. Leta efter fakta i kapitel 7 i läroboken och på Internet.
Bra sidor på ”nätet” är:
eller ”googla” på GMO, genteknik, Monsantos, klon…..osv.
Vi kommer att diskutera era resultat i mindre grupper och du ska lämna in häftet efteråt.
Ditt namn:………………………………………………………
- Kloning: Vad innebär det och hur går det till? Är det tillåtet? Ska det vara tillåtet?
- Genmodifierad mat: Vad innebär det? Hur gör man? Varför vill man genmodifiera mat? Är det farligt att äta? Har du ätit sådan mat?
- Stamceller: Vad är det? Vad är det man vill använda dem till? Fungerar det? Kan det vara farligt? Är det tillåtet? Varför vill vissa att man inte ska få jobba med stamceller?
- Transgena djur: Vad är det? Hur gör man? Varför vill man ha sådana djur? Vad kan de användas till? Är det bra?
- Genetiska sjukdomar: Kan de botas med genteknik? Hur gör man då? Fungerar det?
- Fosterdiagnostik: Vad är det? Vilka olika metoder finns det? Vad kan man ha för nytta av det? Vilka foster ska få väljas bort?
- Genetisk information: Vad finns det för fördelar och nackdelar med DNA-register? Vilka DNA-register ska få finnas? Kan du tänka dig att vara med i ett sådant register?
- Kriminalteknik: Hur fångar man brottslingar med genteknik?
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
IDH-lektion med Linda
De elever som har Linda i IDH ska befinna sig i Pildammshallen imorgon onsdag.
Denna hall ligger när station triangeln. När du har stationen framför dig och kyrkan på vänster sida går du rakt fram och in under ett "valv" och sedan direkt till vänster. Gå igenom glasdörrarna och sedan direkt till höger ner för en trappa. Fråga i receptionen om ni inte hittar.
Här ska vi ha freerunning med Dennis, Jakob och Oliver.
Vi ses!
Friday, March 15, 2013
Your discussion groups for Tuesday... and other days...
Check to make sure that you find your name. If you don't - tell me!
Tuesday A312
12.30 A 304
12.50, A 304
13.10, A 304
13.30, A 304
Dennis R!
13.50, A304
Thursday A 304
Dennis FH
Friday a304
Tuesday A312
12.30 A 304
12.50, A 304
13.10, A 304
13.30, A 304
Dennis R!
13.50, A304
Thursday A 304
Dennis FH
Friday a304
Dagens uppgift!
Följ länken nedan och svara på enkätfrågorna.
Klicka någonstans på denna textrad.
Johan och Niklas
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Hej på er,
Eftersom ni skrev prov idag torsdag så är ni lediga på lektionen imorgon fredag 10:40-11:40. Dock kommer jag och Niklas att skicka ut en uppgift som ni ska utföra på denna tid. Det kommer inte att ta en timme att utföra denna uppgift, men den ska likväl göras. Titta in på bloggen imorgon 10:40 för vidare information.
Johan & Niklas
Discussion questions for Tuesday's discussion test
American Psycho (1991) PS. Don't forget to read the last part of extract I gave you!
Based on what we know about Patric Bateman, the narrator of American Psycho, try to describe Patric Bateman's character as well as you can.
"Abandone all hope ye who enter here" are the first words of the novel. The last words are "This is not an exit". Based on the parts of the text that you have read, and based on the video where My talks about post-modernism - why do you think Bret Easton Ellis chose to start and end his novel this way?
Harry Potter (1997)
The reason Harry Potter has become controversial is that some people feel it is anti-Christian. Others feel it is actually pro-Christian. How can the same book be viewed in such completely opposite ways? Discuss the validity of both side's arguments, and try to decide, together, what side you think has the best arguments.
General question on controversial literature
Fiction is really just... made-up stories! Fantasies! Based on everything you know about controversial literature - why do you think literature has the ability to upset and engage people so much? Why do people care enough to want to ban certain books, and why is it so important to fight for the right of those crazy books to exist?
Based on what we know about Patric Bateman, the narrator of American Psycho, try to describe Patric Bateman's character as well as you can.
"Abandone all hope ye who enter here" are the first words of the novel. The last words are "This is not an exit". Based on the parts of the text that you have read, and based on the video where My talks about post-modernism - why do you think Bret Easton Ellis chose to start and end his novel this way?
Harry Potter (1997)
The reason Harry Potter has become controversial is that some people feel it is anti-Christian. Others feel it is actually pro-Christian. How can the same book be viewed in such completely opposite ways? Discuss the validity of both side's arguments, and try to decide, together, what side you think has the best arguments.
General question on controversial literature
Fiction is really just... made-up stories! Fantasies! Based on everything you know about controversial literature - why do you think literature has the ability to upset and engage people so much? Why do people care enough to want to ban certain books, and why is it so important to fight for the right of those crazy books to exist?
Why is Harry Potter Controversial?
![]() |
By Chick Publications "The Nervous Witch" from Wikimedia Commons |
Responses to these claims have come from many corners. Supporters of the series have asserted that the magic inHarry Potter bears little resemblance to occultism, being more in the vein of fairy tales such as Cinderella and Snow White, or to the works of C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien, both authors known for writing fantasy novels with heavily Christian subtexts.[1] Far from promoting a particular religion, some argue,[1] the Harry Potter novels go out of their way to avoid discussing religion at all.[2] However, the books' author, J. K. Rowling, describes herself as a practising Christian,[3] and many have noted the overtly Christian references she includes in the final Harry Potter novel, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.[4
In the United States, calls for the books to be banned from schools have occasionally led to widely publicised legal challenges, often on the grounds that witchcraft is a government-recognised religion and that to allow the books to be held in public schools violates the separation of church and state.[5][6][7]"
From the Wikipedia article about Religious Debates over the Harry Potter Series
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Samhällskunskap torsdag 14/3
Jag är inte på skolan torsdag 14/3 eftersom jag är i Stockholm där jag ska föreläsa för SO-lärare om ämnesövergripande undervisning...
... men Thomas kommer och My kommer att titta in. Fortsätt med era skriftliga Riktigt fattigt uppgifter.
Två av er har skrivit era inlägg om källkritik på Riktigt fattigt! - bloggen och tre har på olika sätt delat uppgiften med mig. Kom ihåg att i stort sett alla måste göra uppgiften och du förutom att göra ett inlägg där du diskuterar en källa dessutom ska kommentera på minst ett annat inlägg om källkritik.
... men Thomas kommer och My kommer att titta in. Fortsätt med era skriftliga Riktigt fattigt uppgifter.
Två av er har skrivit era inlägg om källkritik på Riktigt fattigt! - bloggen och tre har på olika sätt delat uppgiften med mig. Kom ihåg att i stort sett alla måste göra uppgiften och du förutom att göra ett inlägg där du diskuterar en källa dessutom ska kommentera på minst ett annat inlägg om källkritik.
IDH2-lektion fredag
Jag har förstått att en del har missat vad som gäller inför Lindas IDH2-lektionen på fredag. Se bloggen.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Group discussions today!
Vi samlas i klassrummet alla först! After that you will devide into groups and do the dicsussions. Those of you who are using the group rooms will have to record them for me! On Thursday I will sum up and give you more advice, based on how the discussions went.
Klassrummet 12.45
Klassrummet 13.10
Klassrummet 13.35
Grupprum 1 12.40
Dennis R
Grupprum 2 12.40
Grupprum 1 13.10
Grupprum 2 13.10
Klassrummet 12.45
Klassrummet 13.10
Klassrummet 13.35
Grupprum 1 12.40
Dennis R
Grupprum 2 12.40
Grupprum 1 13.10
Grupprum 2 13.10
How to prepare...
... for the discussion text (19/3)
This test will see if you have a deeper understanding of the texts, the times, and controversial literature. Everything we have worked on might help you here, although the focus will be on the two latest novels, Harry Potter and American Psycho. To make comparisons between works and see common features in what makes literature controversial and to be able to discuss this is very good. The discussion questions will be posted on the blog on Friday at the latest.
- Make sure you understand the discussion questions
- Go though all the literature, videoclips and presentations and look for information that might help you discuss the questions.
- Look at kunskapskraven to see what I will be focusing on
- Take notes and sort them by the questions (you will be able to bring your notes to the discussion test)
- Think about what you want to say, and practise saying it
- Look up words and expressions you might need
... for the reading comprehension text (21/3)
On Thursday, I will post the extract from Harry Potter that you will have for the test. Read the text carefully, and look up any words that you don't understand. Some terms might be "magical" terms that you can't find in a dictionary, so those words will be "new" for all readers. You may write down the exxplanations for the words on the paper.
- Read the text carefully
- Look up words that you don't understand
- Discuss the text with your friends to make sure you understand everything
Kunskapskrav - strategier - förbereda sig
Kunskapskraven säger att man ska kunna använda olika strategier för att lösa uppgifter. En viktig strategi är att förbereda sig, och kan alltså göra att ni uppfyller detta kunskapskrav. Jag samlar in alla anteckningar efter diskussionen.
This test will see if you have a deeper understanding of the texts, the times, and controversial literature. Everything we have worked on might help you here, although the focus will be on the two latest novels, Harry Potter and American Psycho. To make comparisons between works and see common features in what makes literature controversial and to be able to discuss this is very good. The discussion questions will be posted on the blog on Friday at the latest.
- Make sure you understand the discussion questions
- Go though all the literature, videoclips and presentations and look for information that might help you discuss the questions.
- Look at kunskapskraven to see what I will be focusing on
- Take notes and sort them by the questions (you will be able to bring your notes to the discussion test)
- Think about what you want to say, and practise saying it
- Look up words and expressions you might need
... for the reading comprehension text (21/3)
On Thursday, I will post the extract from Harry Potter that you will have for the test. Read the text carefully, and look up any words that you don't understand. Some terms might be "magical" terms that you can't find in a dictionary, so those words will be "new" for all readers. You may write down the exxplanations for the words on the paper.
- Read the text carefully
- Look up words that you don't understand
- Discuss the text with your friends to make sure you understand everything
Kunskapskrav - strategier - förbereda sig
Kunskapskraven säger att man ska kunna använda olika strategier för att lösa uppgifter. En viktig strategi är att förbereda sig, och kan alltså göra att ni uppfyller detta kunskapskrav. Jag samlar in alla anteckningar efter diskussionen.
Material for Controversial Authors
Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov (1955 in France, 1958 in America)
Naked Lunch by William Burroughs (1959) (Audio)
American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis (1991) Audio (first part)
Harry Potter by J.K. Rowlings (1997) (Audio)
The post with information about Harry Potter (from Wikipedia)
The Schmoop article about controversial books
Don't forget the extracts from Progress Gold A and B (I have handouts also)
Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov (1955 in France, 1958 in America)
Naked Lunch by William Burroughs (1959) (Audio)
American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis (1991) Audio (first part)
Harry Potter by J.K. Rowlings (1997) (Audio)
The post with information about Harry Potter (from Wikipedia)
The Schmoop article about controversial books
Don't forget the extracts from Progress Gold A and B (I have handouts also)
Friday, March 8, 2013
For the discussions
From Progress Gold A and Progress Gold B, I have selected some pages that might be useful to you when preparing for our discussions on controversial authors. The first document shows you suitable phrases for giving opinions and the other one shows literary terms that we have used and that you are expected to be able to use correctly when talking about literature. I am not allowed to publish these documents in an open forum so I have posted the links to them in our closed Facebook group.
Nu är det dags att bege sig ut i löpspåret och träna inför milen om ni inte redan är igång!
Måndagen den 15 april (v.16) ska alla som läser IDH2 springa BG-milen nere vid Västra hamnen.
Vi vill se bra resultat så dra på er skorna! :)
Måndagen den 15 april (v.16) ska alla som läser IDH2 springa BG-milen nere vid Västra hamnen.
Vi vill se bra resultat så dra på er skorna! :)
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Rapport och fotnoter!
Många av er ska skriva vetenskapligt rapport och på riktigtfattigt.se har jag lat upp material som innehåller all information ni behöver för att kunna göra det. Bilden nedan visar var ni hittar länkarna. Tänk på att ni skriver rapporten i Google Docs och att vi sedan lägger upp en kort sammanfattning av rapporten på bloggen med länk så att man kan ladda ner den. Det är så man brukar göra med rapporter på webben och därför gör vi också så.
BRA jobbat idag! Konstruktiva samtal. Ni fokuserade bra trots att det är ett långt pass. Fröken är glad:)
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
English - Thursday 7/3
This is the dress rehearsal (genrep) for the reading comprehension questions!
- We will watch part of Mys video about Bret Easton Ellis and the postmodern Era. A summary of things that signifies postmodernism is: intertextuality, paradox, the unreliable narrator and fragmentation.
- Now you will get the text and I will read the first half of it to you. The last part you will have to read yourself in preparation for the discussion test. During the reading test you will have access to a dictionary. Answer the questions below:
On Tuesday we will have our first discussions on Naked Lunch and Lolita. You need to prepare the discussion questions so that you know what you will say. These are the questions:
Naked Lunch:
1. Humbert Humbert is an unreliable narrator. How do you feel this is noticed in the part of the book we read? If we assume that Humbert is not lying, but just telling us the story the way he wishes to see it, how do you think this situation would have been told if Lolita was the narrator? What would the differences and similarities be?
2. What do you think Nabokov wanted us to feel by creating a narrator that was actually likeable, even though he does things that are so obviously wrong? What is your view on this, is it valuable for the reader to like a character like Humbert?
This is a formal discussion and you should refrain from using slang and informal language. This is an opportunity to show your finest English. Use the correct literary and historical terms that has been presented during the time we have worked on controversial literature. This discussion gives you opportunity to show that you fulfill the two first of the knowledge demands for the task.
- We will watch part of Mys video about Bret Easton Ellis and the postmodern Era. A summary of things that signifies postmodernism is: intertextuality, paradox, the unreliable narrator and fragmentation.
- Now you will get the text and I will read the first half of it to you. The last part you will have to read yourself in preparation for the discussion test. During the reading test you will have access to a dictionary. Answer the questions below:
- Summarize the events in the extract in less than 150 words. Don't use the titles of the chapters (Eleven kan förstå huvudsakligt innehåll och redogöra för detta)
- "Dawn. Sometime in November. Unable to sleep, writhing on my futon, still in a suit, my head feeling like someone has lit a bonfire, on it, in it, a constant searing pain that keeps both eyes open, utterly helpless". What is Bateman suffering from?
- Why does Bateman light a cigar at the end of the first paragraph? Answer in your own words.
- Based on the second paragraph - give three examples of things Bateman has done to the girls body. Answer in your own words.
- Bateman tries to make two different types of food from the girl's body. Which two kinds?
- Why does Bateman cry at the end of the first chapter? Answer in your own words.
- Why does Bateman prefer his Uzi to his Luger (Chapter 2). (Fråga 2-7: Eleven uppfattar tydliga detaljer (E) väsentliga detaljer (C) detaljer (A)
On Tuesday we will have our first discussions on Naked Lunch and Lolita. You need to prepare the discussion questions so that you know what you will say. These are the questions:
Naked Lunch:
- This is obviously a lifestyle that is chosen by the narrator (based on what we know about the Beat generation and Burroughs) - describe the lifestyle and try to explain why Burroughs preferred this lifestyle to a "normal" life (job, house, wife, kids... a labrador).
- Part of the Beat ideal was to try to write in an innovative (new, fresh) style, and the writing style in Naked Lunch is certainly not like other books. Do you think, this kind of experimental writing serves a purpose? What is the positive and the negative sides of writing in this way?
1. Humbert Humbert is an unreliable narrator. How do you feel this is noticed in the part of the book we read? If we assume that Humbert is not lying, but just telling us the story the way he wishes to see it, how do you think this situation would have been told if Lolita was the narrator? What would the differences and similarities be?
2. What do you think Nabokov wanted us to feel by creating a narrator that was actually likeable, even though he does things that are so obviously wrong? What is your view on this, is it valuable for the reader to like a character like Humbert?
This is a formal discussion and you should refrain from using slang and informal language. This is an opportunity to show your finest English. Use the correct literary and historical terms that has been presented during the time we have worked on controversial literature. This discussion gives you opportunity to show that you fulfill the two first of the knowledge demands for the task.
Schemaändring v. 16
Vecka 16 ska jag åka till Stockholm för att vara med på en mässa (ons-tor) och jag tar därför tåget redan på tisdag eftermiddag. För att ni inte ska missa onödigt många lektioner flyttar jag därför tisdagslektionen till måndagen. Det innebär att ni måndagen den 15/4 har engelska 9.30-11.00 i A 304. Tisdagslektionen (16/4) ställs in.
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