Monday, April 15, 2013

Monday - English!

Diagnostic results
  • Genitiv och passiv form (16)
  • Relativa pronomen, do-omskrivning, hjälpverb, oregelbundna verb (15)
  1. Read the message from the Queen! Use audio as well if you like (you'll get to here me try British English:)
  2. Give examples of ten words/phrases that you think is clearly formal
  3. Give three examples of words/phrases that are clearly informal. What effect does these irregularities in style have?
  4. Make a glossary of linguistic differences between American and British English.
  5. If you have time, make a list of social differences and differences in the general way of life.
Genitiv och apostrof

Apostrofen from CamillaLindskoug


- Skriv tio olika meningar/ frågor där du använder dig av do-omskrivning i olika tempus och där olika personer är aktören (I, you, he, she, it, we, they, you, etc.)

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