Thursday, March 14, 2013

Discussion questions for Tuesday's discussion test

American Psycho (1991) PS. Don't forget to read the last part of extract I gave you!

Based on what we know about Patric Bateman, the narrator of American Psycho, try to describe Patric Bateman's character as well as you can.

"Abandone all hope ye who enter here" are the first words of the novel. The last words are "This is not an exit". Based on the parts of the text that you have read, and based on the video where My talks about post-modernism - why do you think Bret Easton Ellis chose to start and end his novel this way?

Harry Potter (1997)

The reason Harry Potter has become controversial is that some people feel it is anti-Christian. Others feel it is actually pro-Christian. How can the same book be viewed in such completely opposite ways? Discuss the validity of both side's arguments, and try to decide, together, what side you think has the best arguments.

General question on controversial literature

Fiction is really just... made-up stories! Fantasies! Based on everything you know about controversial literature - why do you think literature has the ability to upset and engage people so much? Why do people care enough to want to ban certain books, and why is it so important to fight for the right of those crazy books to exist?

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