Tuesday, November 15, 2011

English, Wednesday, week 46

Today, I want you to practise asking questions. Pick one of the three topics you chose and ask as many questions on the text as you can think of. Try to cover all the information in the text. Don't ask closed questions (where the answer is 'tes' or 'no').

  • Write your questions in Google Docs
  • Name the document "topic - questions"
I will publish the questions after each topic so that you can use them for practise.

Asking questions

There are eight wh-questions - what, when, where, which, who, whom, whose and why and to this list we usually add how as they are all used to elicit particular kinds of information.

You use what when you are asking for information about something.
You use when to ask about the time that something happened or will happen.
You use where to ask questions about place or position.
You use which when you are asking for information about one of a limited number of things.
You use who or whom when you are asking about someone's identity.
You use whose to ask about possession.
You use why to ask for a reason.
You use how to ask about the way in which something is done.

Question wordVerb+Answer
Whatisyour name?My name is Lynne.
Whenisthe party?The party is on Tuesday.
Whereareyou from?I'm from England.
Whichisyour car?The red car is mine.
Whoareyou?I'm Lynne.
Whoseisthis web site?It's mine.
Whyisthis web site here?Because it is!
Howareyou?I'm fine thanks.

Here are some examples:

How many islands does Scotland have?
Why should you watch out for the ostriches of South Africa?
When did Native Americans first come to North America?
Which two nations went to war over Canada in "The Seven Years War"?
Where can you find Florida? Be specific.

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